The Spectroscopy Unit of the CFH offers research services and expertise regarding NMR measurements for research groups of the University of Hohenheim and external users. With three well-equiped NMR spectrometers ranging up to 600 MHz, we can offer a plethora of solution state NMR experiments for both proton (1H) and heteronuclear (e.g., 11B, 13C, 15N, 31P). Typical scientific questions tackled by NMR are, e.g.:
Additionally, we offer HR-MAS (high-resolution magic angle spinning) NMR measurements, which are
suited for tissue-like samples (e.g. meat, plant materials, curd, and more). Please note, that our
instrumentation does not support any experiments for solid state NMR.
Please feel free to contact us, to see if NMR might help to contribute to your studies. We support
you with specifically tailored experiments, data analysis and figure preparation.