Creation of large data volumes like in systems biology projects, requires effective means for data storage and data analysis. This is particularly important for core facilities where samples of multiple users from different research areas are being analysed with various methods. Since the Core Facility Hohenheim (CFH) provides a unique combination of analytical techniques, a common data storage and exchange system is being implemented that provides sufficient flexibility to take into account various raw data formats specific for the individual analysis methods offered. Data storage will include so-called metadata which provide information about species, tissues or cells from which samples were derived, as well as the experimental conditions and methods used for the sample preparation and the respective analysis. Linkage of metadata to raw data generated by the CFH further improves traceability of experiments and facilitates data exchange among collaboration partners as well as within the scientific community. Additional features being implemented include a data management framework with sample submission system, including simple and user-friendly GUI that allows the users to register their experiments and metadata. A tracking system with automated e-mail functionality that allows the researchers to trace the status of key steps in the analysis process at the CFH. Convenient data export functionality. Format conversion of raw data and metadata as required for the submission of the data to public data bases and/or subsequent data analysis by data processing pipelines.
We offer bioinformatic support with regard to experimental design and data analysis.
The CFH team of experts is available to discuss project planning and offer statistical analysis.
Especially in the field of metabolomics and proteomics we provide exploratory analysis, such as
principal component analysis (PCA) or similar dimensionality reduction methods. Our service may
include differential expression analysis, generation of annotated result lists, data
visualization as well as pathway and network analysis for large scale system biology projects
including quantification of proteins, metabolites, or elemental ion composition.
We also offer custom analysis, integration, and visualization tools for data from
high-throughput technologies. We can also automate analyses through scripts in different
programming languages (e.g. R, Python).
Another important aspect is the training of in-house users in the field of bioinformatics with
regard to tools, methods and statistics. Contact our Bioinformatician